AMCHEM B.V. - Holland        Animal Nutrition And Health Products.
  Water Soluble
Oral Liquids

Our staff at AMCHEM B.V. is made up of over 347 people, against which 57 are technical graduates including veterinary surgeons, biologists, pharmacists, chemists, engineers, economists, laboratory assistance, etc. An average age of 38 years reinforces this experience together with the desire to learn the illusion and work of the younger member of our staff, depending faith as a national company in the future of the European Union. The production plant of AMCHEM B.V. has a total area over 35000 m2 dedicated to the provision, maintenance and control of the general service for the production modules.

AMCHEM B.V. believes that ultimate success lies in the satisfaction of its customers, end-users and as a result, the animals well being. Our mission is to provide the vest health-care / addition products worldwide.

  • continues research & development
  • balance and effective formulations
  • crucial attention to detail from row material to prepare final product presentation
  • quality presentation
  • Competitive prices
The great technical potential that AMCHEM B.V. offers its customers, which has allowed us to build the most extensive network in Holland, with almost 54 commercial representative. Beside, demand from abroad has permitted us to count an a network of distributors with over 67 representative offices of AMCHEM B.V. all over the world, in European Union Countries, the Middle East, the Asia Pacific, Latin America And Africa

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